About Us

We exist to answer a simple question – “Can we change the world through art?”
Keloh was founded by two photographers and surfers who moved to Indonesia chasing the dream of endless coastlines and perfect waves. What we found when we arrived wasn’t quite what we expected. We had unintentionally plonked ourselves in the middle of an environmental crisis – plastic.
“You have a whole life in the outdoors, you realise you have a sense of responsibility to protect these wild places.” – Yvon Chouinard
Not able to turn a blind eye to the destruction all around us, and noting the subtle irony to the fact that at the time we were earning a living photographing the world’s most beautiful places, we wanted to see – can we go full circle? Can we turn the photographs we were taking into art and use the proceeds to clean up the most heavily polluted parts of the planet – in the hope that by doing so they return to their original untouched beauty. We can then return to photograph them, turn them into art, and the cycle continues.
By choosing to have Keloh art on your walls you’re not only getting a beautiful piece of art. You’re choosing to make a difference. A daily reminder that your decisions have an impact. A dinner party conversation starter.
Keloh isn’t just for the caregivers, the activists, or the environmentalists – it’s for everyone and anyone who wants to leave the world in a better way than they found it.
We’d love for you to join us and help turn the tide on plastic pollution.
J & C
Art for your home, art for the planet.